Thursday, April 26, 2012

Say It Ain't So

Rich Maloof, from the Daily Dose blog, wrote about a study done on women (ages 18 to 64) and it was discovered that 9 out of 10 women don't find themselves attractive. This is an astonishing number, but unfortunately it's not hard to believe.

I fall victim to self-scrutiny more days than I would like to admit. But why? I have an incredibly supportive husband who loves me just the way I am. For the most part, I surround myself with other women who are confident and therefore, give me the boost I need. My family will allow me to be seen at functions even if I'm wearing a garbage bag. (Although,  I firmly believe as long as you show up with a bottle of wine they will let most anyone attend.)

So if we have the support from those who are nearest and dearest to us then why are we so hard on ourselves?  Personal truth: The days when I am not satisfied with my personal growth is when I stand in front of the mirror and begin to invite myself to the pity party. I internally pick apart everything negative about myself and concoct a list of the 72 different things I want to change. Unfortunately, those revisions usually require time, money and a quick trip to luxurious island. Due to the lack of time and money it would take to transform myself into a Victoria's Secret model, I have to come up with a quick pep talk to get me back on track. A pep talk plus a phone call to my sister, my Mom or a true friend is usually what I need to pull me out of my funk. But, I must I alone on this one??

Peace, love, and beauty,

     Traverse Girl

1 comment:

  1. I think we are always our own worst critic. Why? I’m not sure but I do it every day. Could it be we are seeking the approval of others so if we beat ourselves up before we walk out the door…we’ve already heard the worst of it?
    You are fabulous Traverse Girl, blog on…
